Thursday, July 18 2019

sleeping in, interns, and frenchcooking

Dear Journal,

Mid day journal entry today! This morning I woke up at 8AM on the dot, which is normally when I'm outside waiting for the #15 bus. I didn't know I still had the capacity to sleep through my alarm. My phone is set to play Solo Reprise at 6:30AM every weekday, and normally hearing Andre 3000 yell AYYYYYyyyy makes me immediately sit up. But not today - I got a solid eight hours of sleep and woke up feeling suspiciously well-rested.

I still managed to shower, feed the dogs, brew a pot of coffee for Marissa, and make the slightly later 8:19 bus. One of the nice things about living on an isthmus is that all the bus routes converge on the same skinny strip of land, so from 8:00 to 8:30 I have plenty of lines to choose from. But oversleeping just throws everything off for the rest of the day. You can still drink coffee, check your email, review your notes, write in your journal, and do everything else you'd normally do if you were on time, but the whole day is just off, isn't it? It's feels like I'm faking it.

Well whether I'm faking it or not, I'm still getting work done this morning. The interns and I are starting to work on some Hashicorp vault demonstrations. We've hit some road blocks, but all in all I think we're making good progress, and we'll have something neat to show off at the demo this Friday afternoon.

What else is going on - ah, the stuffed peppers turned out great! Sometimes a recipe is so good, it just finishes itself, or becomes impossible to mess up. The stuffing made from butter, shallots, and chopped mushrooms had a life of its own - oozing and imbuing deliciousness into whatever it touched. I popped them into the oven for about 30 minutes before we left for the concert, and the whole house smelled like the a French cottage. Brace for a hot take, but I think those French are really onto something. Shout out to French Cooking Academy for the solid instruction.

Today should be pretty low key. I'm going to finish my lunch, finish out the work day, then I'm taking the Rod man to Hy-Vee to pick up stuff to make spaghetti and meatballs. I've got some delicious red sauce hanging out in the back of my fridge, and this is the last day to use it before it falls into iffy territory.

If you're out there, and you too accidentally got a full night's sleep, let's take advantage of the surplus of energy and attack the rest of the day - no matter how irregular it feels. Nobody else knows you slept in, do they?